What is ISO Registration

ISO is an independent international organisation that facilitates innovation and leads way to the development of trade. The objective of getting yourself ISO register is to advance the improvement of standardisation in technology. ISO has listed internationally recognised standards (e.g, 9001, 22000, 14000) to encourage worldwide exchange of goods. ISO registration or ISO certification improves the credibility of your business and helps you get more business. You might have seen ISO 9001 Quality mark on products from large companies. This can be attained through ISO certification. Legalraasta acts as a iso certification body in india which helps you on obtaining iso certification.

A. Choosing the type of ISO Certification

You need to choose the type of ISO certification required for your business.

There are many types of ISO certification available such as :

ISO 9001 2015 –    Quality Management System

ISO 9001 2008 –    Quality Management

ISO 14001        –     Environmental Management

ISO 27001       –      Information security Management

ISO  22008      –      Food Safety Management and soon.